Hi there! Thanks for taking a minute to poke around the site! I could fill this page with a lot of history of how I made my way to this point, but let’s be honest… You’d be bored before you finished the first paragraph. So, in a nutshell, I’m a middle-aged woman doing this completely bass-ackward. I got married and raised a family first, and now I have the time (and thankfully, the energy) to pursue this crazy dream that has been in my head for nearly 20 years.
Welcome to my Second Act! I’d love it if you’d join me on this weird adventure… I’m trying to avoid the “sign up for my newsletter” pitch, (mainly because I have no intention of ever writing a newsletter!), but if you would allow me to send you an occasional email by filling out the “Join Our Community” form, you’ll know before anyone who’s not on the list whenever there’s anything new happening in the land of Cat Leigh (down at the bottom, if like most of the real world, you are on a smartphone, or on the right if you have one of those bigger screen things). I’ll also let you know when I’m planning on doing any live stream events, including exclusive community chats, along with giving you first access to any new recordings.
You’ll also notice a plethora of other social media platforms where you can become part of the extended family, so to speak. You probably know the pitch by now, but bottom line is numbers and engagement are a necessity for any creator. I’d be honored if you’d add to mine 😉
Here’s hoping I’ll see you soon!
Lots of Love,
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